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10/18/2013|TOP NEWS
I biomarcatori che migliorano i rischi e i benefici della terapia endocrina adiuvante estesa per la recidiva a lungo termine nei pazienti con carcinoma mammario positivo al recettore degli estrogeni potrebbero essere clinicamente utili. ศ stata messa a confronto la capacitเ prognostica del test dell'indicatore per carcinoma mammario (BCI), del Recurrence Score su 21 geni (Oncotype DX) e del modello di determinazione immunoistochimica (IHC4) dei fattori prognostici per le recidive a breve e lungo termine in pazienti con negativitเ linfonodale clinica (N0), positiva al recettore degli estrogeni che hanno preso parte alla sperimentazione clinica ATAC (Arimidex, Tamoxifen, Alone or in Combination).
In questo studio prospettico basato sul confronto, sono stati prelevati blocchi tumorali presenti nell'archivio della banca dei tessuti TransATAC provenienti da pazienti con carcinoma mammario positivo al recettore degli estrogeni da cui erano stati giเ ricavati i valori Recurrence Score a 21 geni e IHC4. ศ stata quindi effettuata l'analisi BCI in campioni abbinati con RNA residuo sufficiente, utilizzando due modelli BCI, cubico (BCI-C) e lineare (BCI-L), con valori cut-off precedentemente validati. ศ stata valutata la capacitเ prognostica del BCI per la recidiva a lungo termine su 10 anni (l'endpoint primario) ed ่ stata messa a confronto con quella del Recurrence Score a 21 geni e dell'IHC4. ศ stata inoltre testata la capacitเ dei test di prevedere recidive a breve (0—5 anni) e lungo (5—10 anni) termine. Per valutare la capacitเ dei biomarcatori di prevedere la recidiva al di lเ delle variabili clinicopatologiche standard, ่ stata calcolata la variazione nel rapporto di verosimiglianza Χ2(LR-ΔΧ2) dei modelli di Cox a rischi proporzionali.
Il tessuto adatto era disponibile in 665 pazienti con carcinoma mammario N0, positivo ai recettori degli estrogeni per l'analisi BCI. L'analisi primaria ha mostrato differenze significative nella recidiva a distanza oltre i 10 anni nei gruppi di rischio BCI-C categorici (p<0,0001) con 6,8% (95% CI 4,4—10,0) dei pazienti del gruppo a basso rischio, 17,3% (12,0—24,7) nel gruppo intermedio e 22,2% (15,3—31,5) nel gruppo ad alto rischio con recidiva a distanza. L'analisi secondaria ha mostrato che il BCI-L ่ un predittore pi๙ significativo per la recidiva a distanza complessiva (0—10 anni) rispetto al BCI-C (interquartile HR 2,30 [95% CI 1,62—3,27]; LR-ΔΧ2=22,69; p<0,0001). Se confrontato con il BCI-L, il Recurrence Score a 21 geni ่ meno predittivo (HR 1,48 [95% CI 1,22—1,78]; LR-ΔΧ2=13,68; p=0,0002) e l'IHC4 ่ simile (HR 1,69 [95% CI 1,51—2,56]; LR-ΔΧ2=22,83; p<0,0001). Tutte le ulteriori analisi sono state effettuate con il modello BCI-L. In un'analisi multivariata, tutti i saggi hanno mostrato una capacitเ prognostica significativa per la recidiva a breve termine (BCI-L HR 2,77 [95% CI 1,63—4,70], LR-ΔΧ2=15,42, p<0,0001; Recurrence Score a 21 geni HR 1,80 [1,42—2,29], LR-ΔΧ2=18,48, p<0,0001; IHC4 HR 2,90 [2,01—4,18], LR-ΔΧ2=29,14, p<0,0001); tuttavia, solo l'indicatore BCI-L ่ risultato significativo per la distanza a lungo termine (BCI-L HR 1,95 [95% CI 1,22—3,14], LR-ΔΧ2=7,97, p=0,0048; Recurrence Score a 21 geni HR 1,13 [0,82—1,56], LR-ΔΧ2=0,48, p=0,47; IHC4 HR 1,30 [0,88—1,94], LR-ΔΧ2=1,59, p=0,20).
L'indicatore BCI-L ่ risultato l'unico test prognostico significativo per il rischio di recidiva a breve e lungo termine e ha individuato due gruppi di rischio per ciascun periodo di tempo. Pu๒ risultare utile per facilitare l'identificazione di pazienti ad alto rischio per la recidiva a lungo termine che potrebbero trarre beneficio dalla terapia endocrina estesa o di altro tipo.


Lancet Oncol. 2013 Oct;14(11):1067-1076. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(13)70387-5. Epub 2013 Sep 12.
Prediction of late distant recurrence in patients with oestrogen-receptor-positive breast cancer: a prospective comparison of the breast-cancer index (BCI) assay, 21-gene recurrence score, and IHC4 in the TransATAC study population.
Sgroi DC, Sestak I, Cuzick J, Zhang Y, Schnabel CA, Schroeder B, Erlander MG, Dunbier A, Sidhu K, Lopez-Knowles E, Goss PE, Dowsett M.
Molecular Pathology Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, Boston, MA, USA; Center for Cancer Research, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, Boston, MA, USA. Electronic address: dsgroi@partners.org.
Biomarkers to improve the risk-benefit of extended adjuvant endocrine therapy for late recurrence in patients with oestrogen-receptor-positive breast cancer would be clinically valuable. We compared the prognostic ability of the breast-cancer index (BCI) assay, 21-gene recurrence score (Oncotype DX), and an immunohistochemical prognostic model (IHC4) for both early and late recurrence in patients with oestrogen-receptor-positive, node-negative (N0) disease who took part in the Arimidex, Tamoxifen, Alone o or in Combination (ATAC) clinical trial.
In this prospective comparison study, we obtained archival tumour blocks from the TransATAC tissue bank from all postmenopausal patients with oestrogen-receptor-positive breast cancer from whom the 21-gene recurrence score and IHC4 values had already been derived. We did BCI analysis in matched samples with sufficient residual RNA using two BCI models-cubic (BCI-C) and linear (BCI-L)-using previously validated cutoffs. We assessed prognostic ability of BCI for distant recurrence over 10 years (the primary endpoint) and compared it with that of the 21-gene recurrence score and IHC4. We also tested the ability of the assays to predict early (0-5 years) and late (5-10 years) distant recurrence. To assess the ability of the biomarkers to predict recurrence beyond standard clinicopathological variables, we calculated the change in the likelihood-ratio χ2 (LR-Δχ2) from Cox proportional hazards models.
Suitable tissue was available from 665 patients with oestrogen-receptor-positive, N0 breast cancer for BCI analysis. The primary analysis showed significant differences in risk of distant recurrence over 10 years in the categorical BCI-C risk groups (p<0•0001) with 6•8% (95% CI 4•4-10•0) of patients in the low-risk group, 17•3% (12•0-24•7) in the intermediate group, and 22•2% (15•3-31•5) in the high-risk group having distant recurrence. The secondary analysis showed that BCI-L was a much stronger predictor for overall (0-10 year) distant recurrence compared with BCI-C (interquartile HR 2•30 [95% CI 1•62-3•27]; LR-Δχ2=22•69; p<0•0001). When compared with BCI-L, the 21-gene recurrence score was less predictive (HR 1•48 [95% CI 1•22-1•78]; LR-Δχ2=13•68; p=0•0002) and IHC4 was similar (HR 1•69 [95% CI 1•51-2•56]; LR-Δχ2=22•83; p<0•0001). All further analyses were done with the BCI-L model. In a multivariable analysis, all assays had significant prognostic ability for early distant recurrence (BCI-L HR 2•77 [95% CI 1•63-4•70], LR-Δχ2=15•42, p<0•0001; 21-gene recurrence score HR 1•80 [1•42-2•29], LR-Δχ2=18•48, p<0•0001; IHC4 HR 2•90 [2•01-4•18], LR-Δχ2=29•14, p<0•0001); however, only BCI-L was significant for late distant recurrence (BCI-L HR 1•95 [95% CI 1•22-3•14], LR-Δχ2=7•97, p=0•0048; 21-gene recurrence score HR 1•13 [0•82-1•56], LR-Δχ2=0•48, p=0•47; IHC4 HR 1•30 [0•88-1•94], LR-Δχ2=1•59, p=0•20).
BCI-L was the only significant prognostic test for risk of both early and late distant recurrence and identified two risk populations for each timeframe. It could help to identify patients at high risk for late distant recurrence who might benefit from extended endocrine or other therapy.
Avon Foundation, National Institutes of Health, Breast Cancer Foundation, US Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program, Susan G Komen for the Cure, Breakthrough Breast Cancer through the Mary-Jean Mitchell Green Foundation, AstraZeneca, Cancer Research UK, and the National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre at the Royal Marsden (London, UK).
Copyright ฉ 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[PubMed - as supplied by publisher]



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